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İstanbul Üniversitesi

Tıp Fakültesi



İstanbul Üniversitesi

Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı



Articles Published in International Refereed Journals (SCI & SSCI & Arts And Humanities)

1. Randomized trial of graft materials in transobturator tape operation: biological versus synthetic. Ugurlucan FG, Erkan HA, Onal M, Yalcin O.Int Urogynecol J. 2013 Aug;24(8):1315-23. doi: 10.1007/s00192-012-2008-4. Epub 2012 Nov 27.

2. Comparison of complication rates after transvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte pick-up procedures with respect to ovarian response. Gungor ND, Gurbuz T, Onal M. Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2022 Jun;49(2):142-148.

3. Comparison of the effects of electrical stimulation and posterior tibial nerve stimulation in the treatment of overactive bladder syndrome. Ugurlucan FG, Onal M, Aslan E, Erkan HA, Beji NK, Yalçın O. Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2013;75(1):46-52.

4. Impact of body mass index and vitamin D on serum AMH levels and antral follicle count in PCOS. N. Dokuzeylül Güngör, K. Güngör, N. Celik, M. Önal, A.A. Madenli.

Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2023; 27 (1): 179-187

5. Surgical removal of FIGO Type 0 and 1 fibroids ameliorates the expression of endometrial proinflammatory transcription factors and receptivity modulator. Dokuzeylul GN, Onal M, Madenli AA, Agar M. Fertil Steril 2023 Mar;119(3):504-513. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2022.11.021. Epub 2022 Dec 5.

6. Follicular fluid redox balance and DNA damage vary with PCOS phenotype. Onal M, Agar M. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2023. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2023; 27 (12): 5583-5589

Articles Published in Other International Refereed Journals

1. Comparison of Amniotic Fluid Oxidative Stress Index in IVF/ICSI Pregnancies and Spontaneous Natural Conception. Onal M, Agar M. Gynecol Reprod Health. 2022; 6(2): 1-4

2. The effect of thyroid autoimmunity on early pregnancy serum β-hCG levels in spontaneous pregnancy. J.Controv Obstetr Gynecol Ped. 2023;1(2):41-45. Ağar M, Önal M, Küçükakça A

3. Vitamin D Supplementation Improves Follicle Maturation By Regulating Oxidant/Antioxidant Balance in Women With PCOS. Agar M, Onal M. Gynecol Reprod Health. 2022; 6(3): 1-4

4. Is Hashimoto Thyroiditis a Risk Factor in Male Infertility? Onal M, Agar M, Ersahin AA, Gungor K. J Exp Clin Med 2022; 39(4): 1056-1060

5. Pivotal role of the number of transferred embryos in oocyte donation cycles: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of experimental and clinical medicine. Onal M, Gungor ND, Gurbuz T, Madenli AA. J Exp Clin Med2022; 39(3): 809-813

6. The Effects of Sperm Parameters and Sperm DNA Damage on pregnancy outcomes of women undergoing intrauterine insemination. Onal M, Kavrut M, Gungor ND, Gurbuz T. J Exp Clin Med2022; 39(4): 985-988

7. Evaluation of the relationship between insulin resistance and different phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome. J Med Palliat Care 2023;4(3):183-188. Ağar M, Önal M, Çalı Öztürk

8. The relationship between prolactin level and inflammatory markersin womenwith polycystic ovary syndrome. Önal M, Çalı Öztürk H. J Controv Obstetr Gynecol Ped. 2023;1(4):80-84.

9. Investigating the association between hyperprolactinemia and thyroid autoimmunity in women. Önal M, Çalı Öztürk H. J Controv Obstetr Gynecol Ped. 2023;1(4):99-103.

Papers Presented at International Scientific Meetings and Printed in Proceedings

1. N. Dokuzeylül, M. Onal, M. Acet, M. Basar, S. Kahraman. The role of paternal age on assisted reproduction outcome. Europan Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), 07 – 10 July 2013, London

2. Onal,M. Tüp bebek gebeliklerinde ablasyo plasenta gelişiminde risk faktörleri. 12. Uluslararası Hipokrat Tıp ve Sağlık Bilimleri Kongresi, 1-2 Eylül 2023

3. Onal,M. Uterus septum rezeksiyonunun implantasyon oranlarina etkisi. 13. Uluslararası Tıp ve Sağlık Bilimleri Araştırmaları Kongresi-Ağustos2023 

Written International Books or Chapters in Books

1. Jinekolojik & Obstetrik Aciller ve Gebelikte Covid 19’a Yaklaşım 2020. 2.Bölüm: Dismenore.

2. Adolesan Dönemden Menopoza Kadın ve Üreme Sağlığı 2022. Luteal Faz Yetmezliği

3. Adolesan Dönemden Menopoza Kadın ve Üreme Sağlığı 2022. Polikistik Over Sendromu

Articles Published in National Refereed Journals

1. Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy: Fresh vs Frozen Thawed Embryo Transfer. Onal M, Agar M, Gurbuz T. J Med Palliat Care 2022; 3(3): 165-168

2. Comparison of different endometrial preparation protocols in frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Onal M, Agar M, Kucukakca AS, Gurbuz T. Anatolian Curr Med J 2023; 5(1); 34-38

Papers Presented at National Scientific Meetings and Published in the Proceedings Book

Onal,M. Üreme Çağı Sonrası Kadın Sağlığı ve 30.Yıl Menopoz Kongresi-2022 İstanbul Menopoz sonrası kadınlarda cinsel doyumu etkileyen faktörler.


The effects of posterior tibial nerve stimulation on refractory overactive bladder syndrome and bladder circulation. Onal M, Ugurlucan FG, Yalcın O. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2012 Dec; 286(6):1453-7

Memberships in Scientific and Professional Organizations

TSRM(Turkish Society of Reproductive Medicine), TJOD(Türk Jinekolog ve Obstetrisyen Derneği), ESHRE(European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology), KTTB(Kıbrıs Türk Tabipler Birliği), ÜTD(Üreme Tıbbı Derneği)

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses Offered

Academic Year



Lesson Name

Weekly Hours

Öğrenci sayısı



DAÜ Sağlık Bilimleri

Cerrahi Bilimler-Kadın Doğum Dersi





DAÜ Sağlık Bilimleri

Cerrahi Bilimler-Kadın Doğum Dersi





DAÜ Sağlık Bilimleri

Cerrahi Bilimler-Kadın Doğum Dersi





Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi

Kadın Doğum Dersi





    1. Neonatal resüsitasyon kursu 2008

    2. Yardımcı üreme teknikleri sertifikasyon- İstanbul Memorial, 2014

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